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Terms & Conditions (updated - September 2021)

  • Tutor Contact Details

Kim Cattran Hutchinson

Private Tutor and Specialist Teacher (Art and Design) & Arts Award Adviser for Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards

The contact details for Arty Artisans are:


In person Sessions

  • For all in person sessions please make sure you arrive on time to the sessions

  • All students will be provided with a Sketchbook which they must bring to every session

  • Art packs will be provided for each student. This will contain: a rule, pencil, sharpener, rubber, a 2b and hb drawing pencil and a plastic wallet to keep them in. This must be brought to every session. 

  • All students are expected to wear appropriate clothing suitable to create artwork in. 

Online sessions

  • For all Online sessions please make sure you are logged on and ready at least 5 minutes prior to the session. 

  • A list of materials will be sent prior to the session if additional materials are required. Students are expected to have the following materials ready for every session: Their A4 or A3 Sketchbook, a drawing pencil (hb & 2b), a rubber, ruler and sharpener.

  • If a student is more than 15 minutes late to a session without 48 hr notice prior to the session, they won't be allowed to enter the session and the session must still be paid for.

  • All students will have a digital portfolio using Google Drive. In order for this to be set up please make sure you have sent me an email that the student/s can use to access this as they will use this for every session and be expected to be logged in to it for every session.

  • Students must enter the session with their mics off and cameras on. I shall invite them to turn their mics on when necessary once the session is underway. 

  • For safety online all students Zoom names must be their known name. If their name is not present and another name or nickname is used I shall refuse admission to the session.

Arts Award expected Deadline for Completion 

  • A expected completion date shall be given based upon the recommended hours required for the Arts Awards which will be stated on your Invoice. 

  • The completion date given is subject to all sessions having been attended. Any Absences throughout the academic year/s will be recorded and will have to be completed additional and paid for additionally. 

  • If I feel that a student may complete their Arts Award sooner or may take longer to complete I will contact their Parent/Guardian/Career to advise and then make any necessary amendments to the invoice with an amendment to their completion date. 

  • I shall set independent work (homework) throughout the course as necessary. Independent work is a vital aspect to ensure the student meets their completion date and is an expectation of the Art Award. If the independent work isn't completed by the due date that this may result in extending their completion date resulting in additional sessions needed at an additional cost.

Student Progress

  • Verbal Feedback - At the end of session will be given and  verbal feedback will be given to parents/tutees when necessary.

  • Email Feedback - More detailed feedback may be sent to parents/tutees, where this is appropriate and helpful. 

  • Progress Disclaimer - Whilst I ensure that every student has every opportunity to make satisfactory progress, this cannot be guaranteed and I cannot be held accountable for the academic success or otherwise of the student.  

Cancellation of Lessons

  • Tutor Cancellation - If a lesson is cancelled for any reason, I will try to rearrange this if it is possible. 

  • Parent/Tutee Cancellation - Lessons cancelled by parents or Tutees with less than 48 hours’ notice must still be paid for.

  • Persistent Parent/Tutee Cancellation - I reserve the right to terminate tuition if lessons have been cancelled on a regular basis (three times or more in one half term, i.e. 6 weeks) without prior arrangement and to offer tuition to a student on the waiting list. 

Termination of Tuition

  • If a parent/tutee wishes to terminate tuition, I require you to…. 

  • -    If paying half termly to give half a term's notice prior to the next payment date stated on your payment agreement form. 

  • -    If paying in monthly installments to give a minimum of 2 weeks notice prior to the next payment date stated on your payment agreement form : so I can calculate the number of sessions attended to the amount paid in order to refund if an overpayment has been made or invoice for the outstanding amount. ​

Damages and Losses

  • Students should arrive suitably equipped for their lessons both in person or online. As a minimum this should include: Their A4 or A3 Sketchbook, a drawing pencil (hb & 2b), a rubber, ruler and sharpener

  • I may provide resources and materials for the tutoring sessions or for homework. If resources are damaged through misbehavior or lost/forgotten between lessons, I reserve the right to claim the cost back from parents/tutees. This enables a suitable replacement to be found.

  • If homework resources are continually lost or forgotten, then these will no longer be provided. 

  • If anything from the art pack is lost or damaged it must be replaced by the Parent/Guardian/Career or Tutee.

  • If sketchbooks are lost or damaged they must be replaced by the Parent/Guardian/Career or Tutee. A replacement sketchbook will be given when the original sketchbook is complete if the student is attending a face to face tuition. If the student is online the Parent/Guardian/Career must provide this for the student.

Fees and Payment

  • Payment for one to one tuitions and group sessions must be paid by the due date as stated on your signed payment agreement form a copy of the dates is on your invoice and should be sent to the bank details stated in your invoice. ​

  • 2 payment options are available; monthly or in full. Your invoice will provide all options for you to choose which best suits. Once selected a payment agreement form must be completed and returned to Kim. The payment agreement form can be found at the bottom of your invoice.

  • A late payment fee of £15 will be charged if payment is more than 7 days past the due date stated on your invoice.

 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

  • Parent/Guardian/Career or Tutee to enroll onto a course you must, complete and sign the acceptance of these terms and Conditions from which will have been emailed to you along with a copy of these T&Cs.

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