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Covid- 19 Commitment Statement


I have completed a Covid-19 prevention course and have received the Government guidelines and procedures for out of school settings (OOSS) and I’ve used these to ensure I am prepared to restart the In person group sessions.

In light of the corona virus I want to reassure you that now more than ever my commitment is to you and your Childs/children’s safety.


My Commitment to you to limit the risk:

●      I will wear a visor at all times

●      I will wash my hands before and after every session

●      I will use hand sanitizer before and after distributing materials/equipment to children.

●      Ensure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned before and after use.

●      Desks and chair will be disinfected before and after every session

●      If myself or any member of my household show symptoms of feeling unwell I will cancel all upcoming sessions until a test can confirm we are negative.

●      Each child will have their own zip wallet that contains basic art equipment and will be allocated to the child and only that child in every session.

●      Tables will be (were possible) 2 meters apart from each other

●      Every child will have their own table which will be either to the right or left side of another child facing outwards.

●      Hand sanitizer will be provided on each table for the children to use throughout the session which will also be cleaned before and after every session.


What I will ask of you and your child/children

●      If yourself or anyone from your household are feeling unwell at all please do not attend the session and please let me know so I can follow track and trace procedure if necessary.

●      I will require your contact details for track and trace and insurance purposes.

●      Unfortunately there will be no waiting areas available or the use of kitchen facility at any venue.

●      To minimize the number of people in the venues please can you drop of your child and then return for pick up once the session has ended.

●      All children will need to wash their hands before the session and after the session and use hand sanitizer upon arrival which I will have on hand ready for them.

●      If your child wishes to wear a face mask they are more than welcome to but this is not compulsory.


There is government guidance for parents and careers who are sending their child to a (OOSS) if you wish to take a look here is the link.


Please remember this is for everyone's safety and the guidance may change over the coming weeks/months.

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